Portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in IEEE RAHA, 2016
The paper describes the design of a teach pendant for a robot teaching software called RoboAnalyzer. Using the low-cost Arduino based teach pendant, the user can control physical and virtual robotic systems.
Recommended citation: Mehta, I., Bimbraw, K., Chittawadigi, R. G., & Saha, S. K. (2016). "A teach pendant to control virtual robots in Roboanalyzer", 2016 International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications (RAHA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7931881
Published in IEEE RAHA, 2016
The paper describes how we improved the performance characteristics of a 6-DOF stewart platform being used as a driving simulator.
Recommended citation: Bimbraw, K., Mehta, I., Venkatesan, V., Joshi, U., Sabherwal, G. S., & Saha, S. K. (2016). "Performance improvements of a 6-DOF motion platform", 2016 International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications (RAHA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7931899
Published in IEEE CRV, 2020
Enhancing autonomous car vision: Our implementation of exposure and gain compensation optimizes camera settings to maximize image detail, improving performance in diverse environments.
Recommended citation: Mehta, I., Tang, M., & Barfoot, T. D. (2020, May 13). "Gradient-based auto-exposure control applied to a self-driving car." In 2020 17th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) (pp. 166-173). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9108676
Published in IEEE ISMR, 2022
This paper presents a cost-effective germicidal system utilizing UVGI for efficient disinfection of high-contact surfaces, employing a team of mobile manipulators equipped with far-UVC excimer lamps, addressing limitations of existing UVGI robots.
Recommended citation: Mehta I, Hsueh HY, Kourtzanidis N, Brylka M, Saeedi S. Far-UVC disinfection with robotic mobile manipulator. In 2022 International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR) 2022 Apr 13 (pp. 1-8). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9807593
Published in IEEE CASE, 2022
This work introduces PA-Net, a novel neural network approach for approximating the Pareto front in the bi-objective travelling salesperson problem (BTSP) using reinforcement learning. By training on constrained optimization via Lagrangian relaxation and policy gradient, PA-Net outperforms existing methods with a 2.3% improvement in hypervolume metric and 4.5× faster inference time. Application to robotic navigation tasks showcases its efficacy in optimal visiting order determination.
Recommended citation: Mehta, I., Taghipour, S. and Saeedi, S., 2022, August. Pareto Frontier Approximation Network (PA-Net) to Solve Bi-objective TSP. In 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 1198-1205). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9926520
Published in Robotics and Autonomus Systems, 2023
This review examines the growing demand for effective disinfection practices amid the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the rising popularity of UV disinfection robots. With a concise exploration of UV technology and its applications, it provides valuable insights into the role of UV robots in enhancing disinfection efficiency across various public settings
Recommended citation: Mehta I, Hsueh HY, Taghipour S, Li W, Saeedi S. UV disinfection robots: a review. Robotics and autonomous systems. 2023 Mar 1;161:104332. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921889022002214
Published in Submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
This paper introduces M^3RS, a novel framework for time-bound multi-robot, multi-objective routing and scheduling missions with multiple task execution modes. It optimally assigns task sequences and execution modes to each agent based on user-defined criteria, addressing the trade-offs inherent in multi-robot applications. Utilizing a mixed-integer linear programming model and efficient column generation scheme, M^3RS is applied to the task of multi-robot disinfection in public spaces. Experiments highlight the advantages of multiple modes over fixed execution modes, demonstrating flexibility and improved performance in joint metrics.
Recommended citation: Mehta I, Kim J, Taghipour S, Saeedi S. M^3RS: Multi-robot, Multi-objective, and Multi-mode Routing and Scheduling. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.16275. 2024 Mar 24. https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.16275
Published in Submitted to Arxiv, 2024
This paper introduces M^3RS, a novel framework for time-bound multi-robot, multi-objective routing and scheduling missions with multiple task execution modes. It optimally assigns task sequences and execution modes to each agent based on user-defined criteria, addressing the trade-offs inherent in multi-robot applications. Utilizing a mixed-integer linear programming model and efficient column generation scheme, M^3RS is applied to the task of multi-robot disinfection in public spaces. Experiments highlight the advantages of multiple modes over fixed execution modes, demonstrating flexibility and improved performance in joint metrics.
Recommended citation: Rezvani H., Zarrabi N., Mehta I., Kolios C., Jaafar H.A., Kao C.H., Saeedi S., Yousefi N. M^3RS: Morphological Detection and Classification of Microplastics and Nanoplastics Emerged from Consumer Products by Deep Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.13688. 2024 Sep 20. https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.13688
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Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.